You can help a little or you can help a lot. All help appreciated
If you come to the Grovetown Lagoon you will see something very special emerging from the weeds, polluted water and piles of rubbish that previously overwhelmed this area.
The Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Project (Te Whanau Hou means ‘new family’) is a community project connecting all sorts of people working steadily to restore a very special freshwater wetland so everyone can enjoy a shady rest, walk, picnic, kayak and relish the serenity of this sanctuary (and the hundreds of birds that live there!).
MDC Meeting Room
Wairau Rowing Club
Grovetown Lagoon is one of the few natural wetlands remaining on the Wairau Plain.
The Grovetown Lagoon was once part of the Wairau River. Today it is an oxbow lake...
The lagoon is currently home to a variety of plants including Kahikatea, Cabbage Tree, Flax and Raupo
The lagoon is currently home to a variety of birds such as pukeko, mallard, shoveler duck, paradise duck, grey teal, black shags and black swan