Welcome to the Grovetown Lagoon Project info@grovetown.co.nz

Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Project


The Grovetown Lagoon restoration Group

The Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Project is led and managed by the Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon Executive Committee, and the Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon Working Group.  The Executive and the Working Group have different responsibilities, these being governance (the Executive Committee) and implementation (the Working Group). 

It is the Working Group which implements, while the Executive has more of a monitoring and strategic role. The Working Group reports back to the Executive with progress as they implement projects, and the Executive responds to the Working Groups needs. 

The Executive meets several times a year, while the Working Group meets every 6 weeks.  The Grovetown Lagoon Executive is made up of 8 members.  5 members are appointed and 4 are elected.   One Executive Committee member is appointed by each Foundation member. The Foundation members of Te Whanau Hou are:

  • Marlborough District Council
  • Department of Conservation
  • Ngati Rarua 
  • Te Runanga A  Rangitane O Wairau
  • Ngati Toarangatira

Current Community Executive Members are:

Doug Hislop
Rosanne Anderson
Rosanne Marsden
Lis Johnston
Guy Gardiner
Phil Bradfield


Grovetown Lagoon charities commission page.

Our Mission: 

The restoration of the Grovetown Lagoon to enhance the habitat for fish and bird life, and to enable gathering of food and encourage recreational uses 
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