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Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Project


Newsletter 62

Published on Mar 8, 2023

There is something in the water

Inanga (Galaxias maculatus) are the most common and smallest of the whitebait species and are commonly found at the Grovetown Lagoon. The photograph above was taken just above the road bridge onto Maori Island (Otamawaha). Inanga have an unusual lifecycle. They begin life as eggs laid in vegetation beside streams in late summer and autumn. When the eggs hatch, they are carried downstream as larvae and spend the next six months at sea. In the spring they migrate upstream as whitebait and grow into adult fish (www.doc.govt.nz).


Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon would like to enhance the fish life at the lagoon over time. To enhance fish abunance and biodiversity the society would like to do more stream side plantings, improved fish passage in the area and gain more understanding of the lagoon environment through studies and monitoring. Currently there are many different fish species at the lagoon such as long and short fin eels, flounder, bullies, common smelt and brown trout.

Lagoon User Numbers

The new track counter at the lagoon is now providing data on how many people are using the lagoon. The graph below shows the information from January and February. On Sunday the 8th of January there was a the peak of 142 users. The daily average is 49 users and there have been 2,835 visitors so far this year.

New Picnic Table

Please come down to the lagoon and enjoy the new picnic table donated by Wairau Garden Club. The lovely solid picnic table pictured below is just over Te arohata ngahere nui, the bridge to big bush (the bridge is visible from Steam Wharf Road where the lagoon first comes into view).


Trap lines

The numbers of predators trapped in February are…

Hedgehogs - 3
Mice - 2

Rats - 10

Stoat - 4

Weasel - 1

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