Spring at the Lagoon
Spring is a great time of year and it is especially beautiful down at the lagoon. Many bird species are present or have returned to the lagoon, the shags are building their nests, the royal spoonbills/kōtuku ngutupapa are back. There are also many chicks and juvenile birds.
Many plants are just starting to come into flower, see the photographs below taken at the lagoon this week. Some of the native plants have very small flowers, so careful observation is required. The Marlborough rock daisies are in bud. The rock daisy is an unusual choice for a wetland, but there are some very dry areas at the lagoon where the daisies are thriving.
The weather is starting to dry out, so we are nearing the end of our very successful planting season. There have been many wonderful school groups come out to the lagoon to join the planting - Rapaura School, Grovetown School, Marlborough Girls College and the Graeme Dingle Stars Peer Mentoring Programme. It has been lovely to have so many schools come back out to the Lagoon.
There are two more Sunday working bees left this year, we will be planting on Sunday the 8th of October. So come down to the lagoon it may be the last planting day of the year.