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Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Project


Newsletter 75

Published on Jun 5, 2024

Track upgrade to upgrade your day

By Justine Johnson

The photograph above really lifts my heart, and there are a number of great reasons why. The upgraded section of track has gone in around gum tree corner. This is a beautiful area of the lagoon where people can look down over the water, with long views and many wetland birds. The area is being enhanced with native plantings.

The wetland warriors are looking so smart in their new blue vests, which makes them more visible, identify them as workers at the lagoon and is a practical garment to work in, Rosanne Anderson was busy sewing pockets on them to give them greater utility.

Another positive about this work is that now the walkway around the lagoon is graveled all the way. The graveling of the track is positive in a number of ways. Hopefully people will stay drier without having to walk through the grass. The path will be more weather resilient, meaning less puddles. The area around this part of the lagoon is shared use and there can be tractors operating in the vineyards, the path helps to define where the walkers are.

The last great thing about the new track is the careful thought and installation that has gone in. Thank you to Simcox Construction and Isaac Conservation and Wildlife Trust, the track is part of their sponsorship of the project which benefits the whole community.  

The photograph below shows Simcox constructing the new path at gum tree corner.

Annual General Meeting

Please be invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on the 16th of July 2024, 3pm in the Committee Room at the Council offices in Blenheim, all welcome. Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon is managed by a two-tier management system - the Executive and the Working Group. The Executive is the governance group and the Working Group manages the daily operations. At the AGM the community members will be elected to the Executive.


If you would like to nominate a person for the Executive then please email me, Justine Johnson at johnsonmarlborough@gmail.com with the details outlined below by Friday the 28th of June. There are four community representative members on the Executive.


If volunteers, lagoon users or members of the public have any matters which they would like on the agenda for the AGM they can be emailed to Justine Johnson at johnsonmarlborough@gmail.com by the 28th of June.  



A big thank you to The Bottling Company that came out to the lagoon for a staff volunteer day. The group mulched around trees with wool dags. The dags will suppress weeds, retain moisture and fertilise the plants. Some folk had never been to the Lagoon before and had a lot of fun on a beautiful morning while contributing to the health of the trees. Please see the happy kahikatea tree pictured below.


Trap Lines

The trap line checkers, normally solitary creatures, got together for a catch up in late May. Members of the group have been attending training workshops and wanted to share their learning.  The group is looking at reconfiguring an old trap line which used to run through Springs Wetland to make it more user friendly (drone image of Springs Wetland along side). This line was previously abandoned as it was feared that trappers would be sucked down to its murky depths…




Wednesday (and/or Thursday) Wetland Warriors
Looking for something to do that involves lots of fresh air? Wetland Warriors - weeding, planting and caring for plants at the Lagoon every Wednesday 9.30am - 11.30am. Or potting up in the shade house Thursday from 1pm to 3pm at the Grovetown School.
Contact Person is Rosanne Anderson  rosanne.anderson@gmail.com

Upcoming Lagoon Events


Working Bee

Sunday 9th of June

Meeting at 9.30am at the Seat and Sign  on Steam Wharf Road


Working Group Meetings

Tuesday the 9th of July

3.30pm Meeting at MDC


Community Planting Day

Sunday 14th July

Meeting at 9.30am at the Seat and Sign on Steam Wharf Road


Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 16th of July

3pm Meeting at MDC


Executive Meeting

Tuesday 13th of August

3pm at MDC

Register Here for catering and event notifications

Want to donate to the Grovetown Lagoon?


Thanks to our Sponsors


Contact Details
Newsletter written by
Justine Johnson – Coordinator
Phone 03 5795732

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