Welcome to the Grovetown Lagoon Project info@grovetown.co.nz

Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Project



Published on Jul 10, 2024


Community Planting Day 14th July

Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon is working with NZ Landcare Trust on a new initiative to join families and young people with nature. There are several activities underway and in the pipeline. Firstly, students from Enviro Schools around Marlborough have been coming out to the lagoon to work alongside the Wetland Warriors on Wednesday mornings.


The second event is a community planting day, to be held this Sunday the 14th of July for families to come out to the Lagoon. It is going to be a great day, it will start at 9:30am with an introduction to the lagoon and mindfulness, then there will be tree planting beside Kelly’s Creek. We are hoping to get about 600 plants into the ground. The community planting day will end with a free BBQ cooked by the Lions Club.  


There are other activities also being planned such as a bio-blitz at the lagoon and a workshop on the secretive native wetland bird the bittern. Thank you to Tuamarina and Waikawa schools, our first two schools to take part in the Enviro Schools Junior Landcare and pictured above.

Register Here for catering and event notifications

Annual General Meeting

All are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on the 16th of July 2024, 3pm in the Committee Room at the Council offices in Blenheim. Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon is managed by a two-tier management system - the Executive and the Working Group. The Executive is the governance group and the Working Group manages the daily operations.  


At this year’s AGM there will be: an annual report; a statement of accounts; the community members are decided upon; there will be a motion about applying to re-register under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022; and afternoon tea.  There will also be a special guest speaker - Dan Burgin from Wildlife Management International Limited to speak about the New Zealand Bird Atlas Project.  


Thank you to the community for all the support that Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon receives

A big thank you to Cookes Tree Service for the donation of a whole truck load of mulch. The group loves to use mulch around the new plantings to suppress weeds and help get the plants off to a good start.


Selmes Garden Centre donated three trays of manuka, kanuka and lancewood seedings. The shade house volunteers started pricking-out the seedlings into root trainers, there were over 300 plants in one tray. Thank you to Selmes Garden Centre for donating the plants.


Native seedlings


Wednesday (and/or Thursday) Wetland Warriors
Looking for something to do that involves lots of fresh air? Wetland Warriors - weeding, planting and caring for plants at the Lagoon every Wednesday 9.30am - 11.30am. Or potting up in the shade house Thursday from 1pm to 3pm at the Grovetown School.
Contact Person is Rosanne Anderson  rosanne.anderson@gmail.com

Upcoming Lagoon Events


Community Planting Day

Sunday 14th July

Meeting at 9.30am at the Seat and Sign on Steam Wharf Road


Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 16th of July

3pm Meeting at MDC head office


Working Group Meeting

Tuesday 6th of August

3.30pm Meeting at MDC head office


Sunday Working Bee

Sunday 11 August

Meeting at 9.30am

Grovetown Lagoon Steam Wharf Road


Executive Meeting

Tuesday 13th of August

3pm at MDC head office

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